•   Campaign
•   Visual identity
•   Project management
•   Digital design 
AlphaSights competes against some of the biggest consultancies, banks and corporations in the world to recruit the best business graduates, so standing out in the marketplace is vital. As Creative Director I led the in-house design team in creating an eye-catching campaign to promote the 2022 graduate recruitment program.

The campaign became the most successful social media programme in AlphaSights’ history, outperforming all other talent marketing posts in terms of engagement and number of applications it generated. The campaign won Gold and 2 Silver Indigo Design Awards and was nominated for 2 Creativepool Awards.

Key stats for the campaign included:
   Total reach: 94,985
   Engagements: 4,798
   Engagement rate: 4.6%
   Reactions: 940
   Comments: 27
   Shares: 237
   Video views: 30,556
   Job applications: 151
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